
"Grassroots organizing is our best hope. If you're serious about making change from the bottom up, read Gordon Whitman's book and pass it on."

~ Congressman Keith Ellison

About The Book

Each of us faces a moment of truth when we have a chance to take a risk for something larger than ourselves. At a time of crisis, do we stand up and speak out, or retreat into our private lives? Stand Up! is a book for anyone frustrated by what they see happening in the world, but not sure what they can do about it.

Veteran community organizer Gordon Whitman shows that we have all the power we need to create a racially and economically just society. But it won't happen if we stay on the sidelines sharing social media posts and signing online petitions. We only win if we’re willing to join other people in the kind of face-to-face organizing that has powered every successful social movement in history.

Stand Up! describes five types of conversations that enable people to build organizations that can solve local problems and confront the greatest challenges facing our country -- from gun violence to climate change. The book is a road map for standing up to the bullies who’ve hijacked our democracy and divided us against each other.

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Discover five conversations that will show you how to take actions that create lasting change.
By Gordon Whitman

Praise For 'Stand Up!'


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Stand Up!

Gordon Whitman

Gordon Whitman has worked as a community organizer and social change strategist and coach for the past twenty-five years. He first learned organizing in Santiago, Chile, and helped found successful grassroots organizing groups in Philadelphia, PA, and Flint, MI.

As the deputy director of Faith in Action (formerly PICO National Network), the largest faith-based community organizing network in the U.S., he has coached hundreds of organizers, clergy, and grassroots leaders. He’s helped people build some of the most effective new multi-racial community organizing groups over the past decade. Gordon has also led national organizing campaigns on children’s health coverage, health reform, and stopping of foreclosures.

Before becoming an organizer, he worked as a legal services and civil rights lawyer in Philadelphia, and also served as the associate director of the Temple University Center for Public Policy.


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To request an interview with Gordon Whitman regarding the his new book, Stand Up!, please contact:
Katie Sheehan
By Gordon Whitman
+1 (510) 817-2266
Stand Up!

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In a time where the fight for social justice can feel overwhelming, Gordon Whitman empowers readers to stand up with a purpose-driven mindset and effective strategy.

Stand Up! is an antidote to the cynicism that keeps so many people on the sidelines. It's both an argument about how to solve the biggest problems facing our society, and a guide to engaging with others to change the world.


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Stand Up!

Ahora En Español

Cada uno de nosotros enfrenta un momento de verdad, cuando nosotros tenemos que hacer un cambio, tomar un riesgo por algo más grande que nosotros mismos. En un momento de crisis, ¿Nos ponemos en pie, hablamos francamente o nos refugiamos a nuestra vida privada? Stand up! Es un libro para cualquier persona que se sienta frustrada por lo que está pasando en el mundo, pero no están seguros de lo que ellos pueden hacer al respecto.

El veterano organizador comunitario Gordon Whitman demuestra que tenemos todo el poder que necesitamos para crear una sociedad racial y económicamente justa. Pero no sucederá si nos mantenemos al margen compartiendo publicaciones en redes sociales y firmando peticiones en línea. Solo ganamos si estamos dispuestos a unirnos a otras personas en el tipo de organización cara a cara que ha impulsado a todos los movimientos sociales exitosos en la historia.

¡Stand up! describe cinco tipos de conversaciones que permiten a las personas crear organizaciones que puedan resolver problemas locales y enfrentar los mayores desafíos que enfrenta nuestro país, desde la violencia armada hasta el cambio climático. El libro es una hoja de ruta para hacer frente a los matones que se han apoderado de nuestra democracia y nos han dividido unos contra otros.


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